Keywords are the first steps in any SEO campaign to target the right audience. Utilizing keyword research is imperative in acquiring and maintaining your audience’s attention. The keywords are something that gives proper impact on website page rank in search engines.

There are multiple tools available to research keywords for SEO. in this article we are going to tell you about the best keyword research tools for SEO. These keywords are not just the keywords, they are the phases and questions, that are used to find your answers while searching. If you are looking for some keyword research tools for SEO content, then you are in the right place.

Using keyword research tools, you can find the terms to incorporate into your blog or online store content to help it rank on search engine results pages. Keywords help you to generate ideas, reveal how many people actively use a search team, identify trends, and let you know more about the market competition on ranking.

Also Read: Why You Need A Long-Term SEO Strategy?

So, What are the keywords?


The keywords are the words that are generated and created for every SEO campaign. It is just like bread and butter of digital marketing and should be your number-one priority. Keyword search is the word used by internet marketers and users to find what they are looking for.

All businesses need to do keyword research to discover what keywords their target audience are using. It is just like Google and other search engines will read the content on your website to find keywords and rank you for those terms. This is where SEO starts.

Keywords are a simple and powerful resource to identify your ideas for blog topics. The process of finding keywords for your business and understanding how you are ranking or could rank for these keywords on Google.

These tools work as a great source of keyword ideas. Also, keyword research tools are used for getting the information from any search engine. There are many reasons why keyword research tools are important and should be at the forefront of digital marketing campaigns.

Also Read: 6 Steps Guide For Keyword Optimization

The best keyword research tools for SEO

1. Google Search Console 

The Google Search Console is a free platform that can be used by anyone with a website to monitor how google views their site and optimize its organic presence. This includes your reference domains, mobile site performance, results, and highest traffic. This is the most commonly used tool for keyword research. Mostly the company prefers this tool because it is user-friendly and free to get any keyword. The console shows the average position for each keyword you are searching for. The best thing about this tool is, it allows you to filter up to 1000 keywords, but you have to choose the right keywords with higher ranking.

2. Google Suggestions


The Google suggestion or you can say autocomplete is a google search engine function that gives proper suggestions to the users as they enter their search query into the search box. While inserting letters in the google search engine this feature is used to make it faster to complete searches. The automated system of google suggestions generates the words and helps the user to save their time. This is how it works quickly and completes the research. With this feature the google suggestion also determines the keywords and provides the results. Also, this tool is time efficient but complex with features.

3. Keyword Generator

This tool is also just like another keyword research tool but it is paid and fully loaded with advanced features. If you need clear cut results on your search marketing campaigns then keyword generator is the best and brainstorming tool for you. This tool is for small and catering businesses, you just need to select the business type and the city from the dropdown menu, and the tool will automatically generate local keywords for your industry that potential customers.the keyword generator is come up with DIY keyword generator template that provides you more flexible variation of your location and services.

4. GetKeyword

The best online keyword tool for everyone. This tool really helps you to focus on the next generation of keyword research with targeted audience insights and intent-based with minimum efforts. There are multiple features of GetKeyword:

  • Proper data analysis: We don’t use stored data like almost all the competitors, because the internet is changing every minute. You always get real time metrics.
  • Suggest a huge number of keywords: Data is never enough, and that’s why we never restrict number of Keyword Suggestions. You get everything we have with us.
  • Provide advanced keyword filter: Setup multiple conditions & restrictions to get exactly what you need without scrolling through thousands of result rows.

5. Google Keyword Planner


The google keyword Planner gives advertisers deeper insight into data over time, mobile trends, mobile device volumes, the effect of mobile bid adjustments, and enhanced location breakdown for sub-geos. This is one of the best tools for keyword research with some limitations. You cannot use this tool if you don’t have an account on google ads. You can choose to add all or some of the keywords in a grouped idea to an existing or a new ad group. This tool also provides the chart for individual keywords to see a monthly trends bar chart that provides more detail in terms of the monthly breakdown and search volume quantities. You can also download this data.

6. SEMrush Keyword Magick Tool

This is the best SEO keyword tool that involves a lot of brainstorming, a lot of tools, and a lot of continuous research and list tweaking to make sure the keywords you plan to target are still relevant and ranking. To relieve the users, SEMrush keyword magic tool allows you to conduct dynamic keyword research that covers relevant keywords and remains profitable. The best part of the Keyword Magic Tools is, it aims to replace the myriad of tools you might usually have to use to perform proper keyword research and combines all features into one superior tool.

7. Tag Crowd

TagCrowd is a web application for visualizing word frequencies in any text by creating what is popularly known as a word cloud, text cloud or tag cloud. A word cloud is a beautiful, informative image that communicates much in a single glance. TagCrowd specializes in making word clouds easy to read, analyze and compare, for a variety of useful purposes like:

  • topic summaries for speeches and written works
  • a blog tool or website analysis for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • visual analysis of qualitative data
  • brand clouds that let companies see how they are perceived by the world
  • mining a text corpus
  • helping writers and students reflect on their work
  • name tags for conferences, cocktail parties, or wherever new collaborations start
  • resumes in a single glance
  • visual poetry

8. Keyword Surfer

Surfer is a tool designed to help SEO optimized content writing, like blog posts and articles. It also has a built-in keyword research tool and could be used for some UI work. But if you’re looking for a tool to help you optimize your content, you really can’t go wrong with Surfer. It is a Free SEO extension for Google Chrome that helps you reveal search data and perform keyword research directly from Google.

9. Keyword Sheeter 

Keyword Sheeter is a basic keyword research tool that pulls in autocomplete queries from Google. These are real-time data of what people are searching for in the search engine. This is a great free tool to generate keyword ideas fast. Keyword Sheeter pulls in a large number of keywords over a few moments, you just add them and they are generated into a keyword list that you can then download or copy.

10. TubeBuddy

It allows you to see and copy the tags of other people’s videos. You will be able to see which keywords your competitors are targeting. This can also save you a lot of time writing out tags that should really be the same as the ones on an existing video. it’s packed with countless powerful features that will enable you to get more out of YouTube. And one of the best parts is that all of these features are available inside your normal YouTube interface. TubeBuddy works as an extension for your browser, so there’s no need to switch back and forth to an external tool.

In addition to the feature-packed premium plans, TubeBuddy offers a free version of the tool that still has plenty of helpful features. That means you can get started totally for free

11. Keyworddit


It’s a digital marketing tool that extracts long-tail and seed keywords directly from subreddits, helping you find topics that people are searching for. The Keyworddit review dives into this Reddit keyword tool to help you decide the better keywords.
The two main features of this tool are:

  • Auto-generated subreddit list: As soon as you start typing the name of a subreddit, an auto-generated list appears to help ensure you pick the right one.
  • Keyword volumes from GrepWords: GrepWords provides hyperlocal search volume data using advanced technology.

12. Rank Tracker

For an SEO who is responsible for a website’s organic traffic, a rank tracking tool is essential. Knowing how a website ranks and how its rankings have developed over time helps the SEO understand what strategies can be used to increase both rankings and organic traffic.

Rank tracking software is the first place an SEO visits to diagnose sudden traffic losses and downward trending traffic. The rank tracker can be used to find pages that are causing traffic loss and if the rank tracker gives enough granular historical data, it can help the SEO understand what the cause of the traffic drop was and how to solve the problem. Rank tracker helps SEOs quickly diagnose these issues.

The above mention tools are ideal for an SEO expert or even an initial learner to explore and select the right keywords for SEO campaign. If you are interested in exploring the other essential SEO practices to follow, you can refer to this article-

Best SEO Practices for your website