As a business owner, you understand the criticality of attracting visitors to your website. Indeed, they can discover more about your products, services, and brand there.

However, what if you are simply failing to attract the necessary website traffic to elevate your brand to the pinnacle of your industry?

While there is no assurance that a business will achieve widespread recognition through the use of organic SEO, doing so will ensure a high ranking for your website in search engine results pages (SERPs), potentially leading to increased site traffic and sales.

If you desire these results, continue reading to discover the fundamentals of organic SEO, and how it can significantly impact your business.

If you’d like to speak with a specialist about organic search engine optimization, feel free to give us a call at +91 813 067 4100 to learn more about our organic SEO services!

What is organic SEO?

Organic SEO is a digital marketing tactic aimed at enhancing the position of your website in the unpaid search outcomes of search engines such as Google or Bing. Search engine optimization encompasses strategies such as conducting keyword research, building backlinks, creating high-quality content, and optimizing page load speed to improve rankings in search engine results.

Why is organic SEO important?

75% of people who do a search don’t even bother to look past the first page of results, so organic SEO is important for organic marketing. You guessed it—if you don’t rank high, no one will visit your website. This means it won’t be able to bring your business any sales or leads.

Search engine users depend on search engines to find what they need, so businesses must also pay attention to basic SEO. More than 90% of things people do online start with a search engine like Google.

There’s money to be made if you’re not at the top of organic search results.

In fact, more than 40% of sales come from organic traffic. Besides that, search engines have an eight times higher close rate than old-fashioned marketing. Search is an effective way to market your business and can help you make money right now.

All you have to do is start making your site better for natural SEO.

How much does organic SEO cost?

Prices for organic SEO depend on a number of things, such as how aggressive your strategy is and how your SEO agency sets their prices. Most businesses will invest between $500 and $5,000 every month. The cost of organic SEO consulting services ranges from $30 to $300 per hour.

Google’s relationship with organic SEO

We will talk about how search engine rankings work and how Google and organic SEO are linked.

Before we talk about organic SEO, it’s important to know what Google is and why it’s so important to your process.

Google has a big job to do as a search engine. The main goal of the most popular search engine is to make sure that when a user types in a query, it gives them the best and most useful results possible.

Google wants the results it gives users to be complete resources that match their search intent, or the kind of information they want to find online.

Google also cares about its users’ experiences on websites, so it checks things like page speed, dwell time, and the user experience a website offers.

All of these things about your site have a big impact on your organic search rankings and where it shows up in SERPs.

How does organic SEO work?

If Google’s main goal is to give users the best results possible, then the goal of organic SEO is to make a website and content that deserve to be at the top of Google’s list.

It’s very important to use organic SEO if you want your website to rank high in SERPs.

There are different techniques that work together to make your website better that make up an organic SEO strategy.

Here are some organic SEO strategies:

• Keyword research: You should do research on the keywords you should use to get your website to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when people search for business-related keywords and phrases.

• Content creation: Using different kinds of content to target important keywords for your organic SEO campaign.

• Creating an internal linking profile: Making sure that each page of your site has links to other pages on your site so that search bots can properly crawl and index your site.

• Adding multimedia to content: Adding pictures, infographics, and videos to your site pages will keep people interested and make them want to stay on your site longer.

• Ensuring your site is easy to use and aesthetically pleasing: Making it easier for people to find information on your site by making sure your buttons and forms load correctly and updating the look of your site.

• Optimizing page load time: You can keep people from leaving your site by making sure that pages don’t take more than two or three seconds to load.

• Adding image alt tags: Google will be able to understand what your images are and how they relate to the content if you add text to them in code.

Together, these methods make Google’s ranking algorithm like you more, which can help you move up in SERPs.

5-step organic SEO strategy that will boost your rankings in SERPs

Since you now know what organic SEO is, you may be wondering how to use that knowledge to make your business better.

We’re going to talk about a five-step organic SEO plan that will get Google to like your website. You might also want to look at these best practices for organic SEO.

Step 1: Conduct keyword research

When it comes to SEO and digital marketing, keyword research is very important. In fact, some would say it’s the foundation of all good organic SEO strategies.

Use a tool like to find keywords that are useful for your business and industry when you do keyword research. Start by typing in keywords that are related to the things you sell or offer.

You can then see different versions of those keywords, how often people search for them, how much competition there is, and how much each click costs.

The best keywords are those that get a lot of monthly searches and don’t have a lot of competition. This is the secret to finding good keywords.

When picking keywords, you should think about going after both short-tail and long-tail terms. These are longer-tail keywords, like “ice cream cake.” A long-tail keyword is a phrase or word that is more specific, like “chocolate chip hand-dipped ice cream.”

You can see that these keywords are very different and bring in searchers with different goals.

If you run an eCommerce store for sports items and write a page that targets the keyword “sports item,” you’re going to have a really hard time ranking for that keyword in search results.

Why? Which is why tens of thousands of other online stores are also trying to get ranked for the same keyword.

You can see that a lot of people are searching for the keyword, but there is a lot of competition.

Using the long-tail keyword “Wilson Burn 100ULS Tennis Racket” on the other hand will help your page rank higher because not all stores will write about or have that product. There aren’t as many searches, but there is also less competition.

See why keyword research is so important?

Step 2: Create content to target your most qualified keywords

It’s time to start writing once you have a list of keywords that will help you reach your audience.

As we already said, Google ranks this content in search results, so it’s important that it’s useful and informative for readers to get the best organic rankings.

To target your keywords, you can choose to post different kinds of content.

One example is a blog, which lets you post new content all the time, which Google loves. Another thing you could do is post long-form content, which is usually longer than 2000 words. Long-form content also works well for Google because it shows that you know a lot about the subject.

If you’re going to write anything, you should always try to give users the best information you can about your target keyword.

Step 3: Add multimedia to your content

One of the best things you can do for your organic SEO is to add videos and audio to your posts. Multimedia may not seem important at first, but it is. Adding multimedia to your content is actually very helpful in many ways.

To begin, multimedia includes pictures, infographics, and even videos. This kind of content breaks up long blocks of text and keeps people interested in your page.

But how does using multimedia help your natural SEO?

People will stay on your site longer if you keep them interested in the pages it has. Dwell time, or how long people stay on your website, is an important Google ranking factor, as we already said.

Any small change you make to your page that makes people stay on it longer is worth an extra second in dwell time, which can help your search rankings.

Step 4: Optimize your site’s page speed

Page speed is another thing that Google uses to decide how to rank sites, and for good reason. Remember how we said Google wants to give users the best results possible?

Think about this.

53% of people who use search engines will leave your site if it takes more than three seconds to load. That sounds like lightning fast speed, but in this day and age of technology, it’s pretty normal.

If you want to speed up your page, here are some organic SEO tips to keep in mind:

• Compress your images: Even though big pictures look great on your website, they often slow it down. You can shrink your images and still make them look great by using a tool like

• Reduce number of redirects: When people visit your website and then are redirected to another page, the server has to look for two pages, one that is being redirected and one that is not. This can slow down the page speed.

• Browser caching: Caching in browsers saves website resources on visitors’ computers so they can use them when they visit your site. Browser caching “remembers” resources so they don’t have to be downloaded again and again as people browse your site. This frees up space so your pages load faster.

These are some things you can do to speed up a page.

If you really want your website to load faster, you should look into 1Solutions’ page speed optimization services!

Step 5: Optimize your internal linking structure

Google can crawl your site more easily if you connect your pages with each other to make an internal linking structure.

Search bots have to crawl your pages before Google can decide if they are good enough to rank. They can keep track of what keywords your content uses, what your images show, and more while they crawl.

It is very helpful to build a strong internal linking structure, though, if you want Google to find and crawl all of your site pages easily.

You can do this by putting links to other pages on your site in the text. On one of your services pages, you might talk about how easy it is to clean the carpet you sell. If you just wrote a blog post about this, you can connect that page to your blog post.

You can also put a link to your carpet product page in your blog.

In order to follow organic SEO best practices, you should do this on all of your site pages and make sure they are all linked in at least three pages for the best internal linking structure. When you link between pages on your own website, you should also think about the order of the pages.

Ready to implement an organic SEO strategy?

Do you want to start getting the benefits of an organic, custom SEO strategy?

You might be afraid to take on the challenge if reading our five-step strategy process made you feel like there is too much to do. Do not worry.

You can do paid search and organic SEO by yourself, but it’s a lot of work, so we usually suggest hiring an organic SEO company like 1Solutions.

For more than ten years, we’ve been in business and have already done great things for our clients.

If you want to work with a top-rated SEO company, you can email us or call us at +91 813 067 4100 to find out more about our organic SEO services!

We can’t wait to make an organic SEO marketing plan just for your business that will help it grow!