Penguin Recovery Service2023-01-20T17:01:40+05:30

Penguin Recovery Service

Hire expert SEO company 1Solutions to bounce back from Penguin penalty.

Google Penguin is an algorithm developed by Google to detect and penalize websites that are using unethical SEO practices, such as keyword stuffing, link schemes, and more. If your website has been affected by a Penguin penalty, you need to take the necessary actions to recover your website’s rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What Is Google Penguin Update?

Google Penguin Update is a search algorithm implemented by Google in April 2012 that helps to better understand and identify websites with link schemes or poor-quality content.

Google Panda Recovery Services

Google Penguin is an algorithm designed to catch web spam. It was first released in April 2012 as part of Google’s overall effort to fight web spam and ensure that only quality websites rank high in its search engine results.

This update determines rankings on SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages) and aims to decrease the visibility of spammy sites.

Although it was first implemented almost 10 years ago, this algorithm is still actively used to measure website rankings today.

For businesses, proper optimization of your site is crucial in order to remain competitively ranked in search results – especially when the Google Penguin Update is part of the equation!

All in all, it remains an important update necessary for keeping SERPs current with the best available online sources.

If your website has been affected by a Penguin penalty, you need to take the necessary actions to recover your website’s rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Our SEO experts will check and fix your website for the possible reasons that lead to the Penguin penalty. Connect today for a free Penguin audit of your website.

What can lead to Penguin penalty?

Poor Quality Backlinks

Websites with extensive low quality or spammy backlinks are quite prone to Google penguin penalty. Such links include paid links, link farms, links with errors, or link acquired built with the help of black hat SEO techniques.

Cloaking or Sneaky Redirects

If you are hiding certain pages from search engine crawlers or using sneaky redirects, this can lead to a Google Penguin penalty. Make sure all pages are easily accessible by search engine bots and visible when users arrive on the page.

Keyword Stuffing

Using too many keywords in an unnatural way can also lead to a Google Penguin penalty. Stuffing keywords into text or meta descriptions in an unnatural way will not help your website rank higher, and can in fact hurt it.

These are the main causes of a Google Penguin penalty. If you are worried about your website being penalized, make sure to take the necessary steps to correct any of the above issues. Doing so can help restore your website’s rankings and prevent future penalties from occurring. At 1Solutions, we can help you identify and fix any technical SEO issues that are causing your website to be penalized by Google. Contact us today for more information.

Hire 1Solutions

Penguin Recovery Services

We at 1Solutions can help you to recover from Google Penguin update in a systematic manner. We use the best techniques and strategies to recover your website from the negative impact of Google Penguin.

1Solutions has established a skilled team of SEO professionals who can help in Penguin penalty recovery.

Our experts have advanced knowledge and understanding of the latest Google algorithm updates and Panda/Penguin penalties.

We make use of a robust set of tools and techniques to identify the root cause of the penalty and develop an effective solution to fix the issues in a timely manner.

Our team ensures that your website remains compliant with Google’s guidelines, so you can maintain a higher position in Google’s search results.

Our team makes use of various strategies like content optimization, website audit and link analysis to recover from the Penguin penalty. We also use Google Webmaster Tools, Analytics and other SEO tools to find out the penalty and its impact.

We track the performance of your website regularly to ensure that the penalty has been removed, so you can regain the lost traffic and sales.

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How to know if the Penguin update has targeted your site.

It is essential to figure out if you have indeed been hit by Penguin, as this could mean making some modifications to ensure your website will be compliant and optimized for search engine rankings once again. Here are some tips to determine if your website is affected by the Google penguin update.

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