One of the most common fears among the website owners have always been Google hurting the ranks and eventually the website being shut. A website is the mark of a business today especially in the online era. Most of the businesses today are internet based, which is managed from remote locations.

The main purpose of the online businesses is to drive the attention of people and generate more traffic. SEO thus plays an important role in drawing traffic. However, if this is not taken care of, Google will eventually harm your website. Some of the common SEO practises that can be harmful for your website include the following

Publishing duplicate content 

Publishing duplicate or plagiarised content can lead to your website being penalized heavily. Content plays an important role in boosting the ranking of your page. Therefore, you should be careful with it. Not everyone is good with content writing, but putting up original content is necessary, especially if you are trying to earn followers. Before posting the content, you can run your content through any plagiarism checker and post it only if it is 100% free.

Desktop over mobile

No doubt mobile internet has taken over the entire market. But, still a lot of SEO companies prefer giving more priority to desktop website and not mobile. However, this will eventually hurt your rankings for Google prioritizes both equally. To make the most of your business, it is necessary that you make your website mobile-friendly as well with a better load speed so that everyone can use it effectively.

Choosing wrong keyword 

This is one of the most common mistakes that everyone tends to make. The wrong keyword can harm your website in a negative way. If you do not focus on the keyword preference of the search engine, you are surely moving the wrong way. As a result, you should be choosing ways that compliment your product and customers. What you consider correct may not be applicable. As a result, you should prefer doing a thorough research to define the product effectively.

Lots of ads 

Most of the websites are dependent on advertisements to get traffic and earn money. The website would not get sufficient funds even if they publish quality content if there is no ad. However, too many ads can get problematic for your website too. Many advertisements would eventually mean that your website isn’t worth it or is unreliable. You surely wouldn’t want to create such an impact regarding your website.

Not focusing on title tags and meta descriptions

If you are an online business, never miss out on adding title tags and meta descriptions. Title tags and meta descriptions are an important part of SEO. If you do not optimise them, it eventually means you aren’t optimising the content much. Often people forget inserting the image tag as well. It is necessary to know that these tags are responsible for increasing page visibility as well. Hence, proper attention should be given to them too.

If you aren’t handling the SEO part all by yourself it is necessary to get in touch with experts who can do it all for you.