How do you think that Google has some results right on top when there are number of results for the keyword you have searched? Do you think that those who are featured on top will always remain first in the search result or you think it’s just random? Here is something to know about Search Engine Optimization [SEO]. Yes if you provide information on any relevant field and need to remain top on the search results then you need to follow a certain mechanism.

SEO is a process that is used to send signals to the search engines to make your pages worth enough to reach the top in Google’s index Too much usage of keywords and internal referral links A process of increasing the search result page by adding on some search friendly keywords into a website to keep it running will make it live longer. But if you overdo it to be kind off enough to be on the top then you can also do it wrong and put yourself down in the search page.

  • Keywords are believed to be there to support your content rather than being the content itself.
  • If the keyword does not fit in, it is wise to keep it away from ruining your content.
  • Focussing more on keywords rather than the information the users need. You would see yourself being fooled because the users won’t take it any further and will be soon be black listed even by Google
  • Google can Punish the website or may even banish the site altogether
  • Providing internal referral links in blogs or sites without any relation to the host link will make you stand out like a sore thumb to the search engines. Also no other blogger or site would like to link their content to a page that is totally stuffed with keywords
  • Buying Links from a third party which could be a site that is a spam will end up being caught by Google
  • Don’t over crowd the navigation menus • Avoid unnecessary sub-domains that will reduce the value of your website Apart from these, overloading a homepage with too much stuff won’t help you to get on top of any search pages. As long as a blog or post is accessible enough through links and is available to the public somewhere on your site everything is good to go. Make use of these tips to get the most out of your website and to keep it user friendly.