It’s always fun to name stuff, whether it’s your newborn baby, a Wi-Fi router, your pet dog, a startup company, or even your domain name. It can also be very difficult.

Choosing a domain name that is appropriate for your company or personal brand is critical. After all, it’s what your visitors can type into a search engine to find your website.

It can mean the difference between a spammy, out-of-date website and one that is reliable and functional. Simply put, it may mean the difference between gaining and losing a customer.

When was the last time you visited a website with four exclamation marks in its domain name? That’s right. Never, ever.

That’s why you should give your domain name a lot of thought. You want to make sure you choose a name that not only suits your company but is also easy to find and promote because it is your online identity.

This post will guide you through four different domain name tactics as well as other helpful hints that will assist you in selecting the ideal domain name. It will also introduce you to several resources that will assist you in locating the ideal URL.

Let’s get started!

1. Exact match domains for SEO


Exact Match Domains (EMD), such as, seems to be an appealing SEO technique, so it makes sense to drive these sites even further. However, the SEO technique of using a keyword in the domain name has lost favor in recent years.

As a result, from a technological SEO standpoint, online success is no longer determined by the domain name. EMDs, on the other hand, have other advantages, such as branding and reputation value.

2. Keep the domain name generic


Many websites used generic names in the past, but their use has declined significantly in recent years. Due to the fact that the majority of generic names seem to be taken.

As an example of this strategy, a company called Doorbat, which sells a doorbell with security features, revamped its website to a generic domain name,, and saw tremendous success.,,, and are several other successful generic domain name examples.

3. Stick to your brand name


If your brand is already well-known and recognized, keeping a domain with your brand name is the simplest and most obvious strategy.

In any case, your users can simply type your brand’s name followed by

If your brand name is already taken, you may either purchase the domain name from another company or slightly change yours to make it exclusive by tweaking your TLD (TLD).

Here are some suggestions to help you keep your brand name:

Add a dash: Hyphenating is a popular way to add a branded domain to a website without spending a lot of money.

Area domain extension: Adding a country-specific domain suffix, such for the United Kingdom for the Netherlands.

Take the Dot, Org or Net: According to W3Tech, about half of all websites use this strategy to retain their brand names.

Devise a new TLD: You can use the product as a TLD to make it applicable to your company while also making it exclusive. You can as a TLD if you sell bicycles.

4. Set yourself apart with a unique domain name


Adding a special moniker to your domain name is a smart way to add meaning to it.

However, this strategy necessitates a higher level of brand investment. With their unusual names, domains like,,, and even necessitate major branding efforts.

Furthermore, memorable brand names such as,, and remind and promise users of their content. They set and meet user standards, and as a result, they can be very good.

Tools to Help you Brainstorm Names


Business Name Generator– Shopify offers a free app to help you come up with company names.

NameStation – Based on a submitted title, generates a list of available domains.

Domaintyper – Instantly checks the availability of a domain name.

Domain Pigeon – Look at what other people are searching for and use it as a source of inspiration.

Domainr – It will find “domain hacks” if you type in a job.

Don’t let the fact that you won’t get your first option deter you. You’ll come up with a fantastic domain name to represent your digital marketing firm.

To summarise, a variety of factors influence domain name selection, including availability, cost, and brand status. Keep them in mind and make the best decision possible.