If you have a blog and want organic search engine traffic, then Sitemap SEO requirement is an essential thing for you. Sitemap explains how the search engines index the web. Search engines progress by sending robots that are known as crawlers following the links around the internet. The crawlers go on indexing the new page every time they find a new link. This instigates the traffic on the page and the page becomes visible to the users on the search engines. The sitemaps enhance this process. They provide the search engine robots with a detailed map of the site. This saves time as the crawlers don’t have to crawl through every local page and they can actually find the location of all the public pages on your website.

This not only enhances the traffic of your website and improves the indexing of your website but it also includes all the pages and posts of your website in the search engine. With the use of the sitemaps the search engine can be informed about the last update of your website, changes in the page and the importance of the page.

These days, the sitemap is being used by almost everyone and anyone for the proper indexing of your website. For your WordPress plugin Jetpack sitemap is the best module that is being used by many people today. Jetpack’s latest version has been updated with the prolific and creative features like; the Skype sharing button and the social menu.

How to generate?

The generation of the jetpack is an easy method. If you already have an activated plugin and that in running position then update it to the latest version. If you are new to the plugin and have never used it find and watch the video on YouTube. This out-standing plugin will leave you mesmerized and you will be compelled to use the plugin. After this go to the Jetpack then go to the setting option and go for the engagement and look for module call sitemaps and get it activated.

The other sitemaps plugin for WordPress have to be configured but with the jetpack plugin, you don’t need to configure anything. This feature has its own limitations for the big WordPress sites but if you have a new and a medium size blog then no configuration is important. All you need to do is to configure your sitemap to the search engine.

The configuration of a WordPress blog can be done by making use of the Jetpack. There are many other important and interesting features about this module like:

Skype sharing button

The Skype sharing button is a new addition to this amazing module. The new addition has a great use for the audiences who prefer reading blogs on Skype. This feature is not only unique but also describes the innovation of the sitemap.

Social menu

Now it is very easy to display all your social links as the menu of the WordPress with the help of this option. Now, working on your WordPress has become more easy and interesting.

Google plus badges

The Google plus profile badge and community badge is a must on your Google profile. This enhances the number and traffic on your website. This is easily possible with the help of the Jetpack plugin. The Google plus is being used by many people and we have no clue until what time will it survive, but till it is there this can be of great use for your WordPress blog.

The sitemap with Jetpack plugin is an amazing module that can help you enhance the index of your web page easily and more efficiently.