Keyword cannibalization is not a new term to those who are into website information and SEO. This is an internal website information structure problem that is caused due to multiple usage of the same keyword in different pages of the website. While there is a misconception that using keywords many times will help during searches, it is high time that everyone should be aware too much usage will result in bringing down the ranking of the

The concept is pretty simple. Imagine if I type Snowball in Google or any other search engines, if there are 4 pages of the same website, the search engine will still consider it is 4 different searches. And if all the 4 links are strong in value, the search engine will choose the good one as best and rate it. However if all the4 pages were linked together, the value of the content would have shot up thus leading to greater rating. In this case more options are available for the same keyword thus the value reduces. The logic is pretty simple, when your keywords are all over the website; they will start competing among themselves and will bring down the value of your page. Duplication of content is the other reason why keyword cannibalization becomes a problem to your website. Using same keywords or themes multiple times is not a great idea to grab attention of internet information seekers.

Here are the best practices that can be used to avoid Keyword cannibalization:

• Page specific keyword focus
• Facilitate Google zero on authority pages
• Maintain great Meta description standards
• Be observant on anchor text and internal links
• Use 301 redirects

These tips will help you to avoid writing the same information repeatedly in the webpage. Being unique yet extremely informative is the key to success in this field. Through keyword cannibalization rank boosting features such as external links, internal anchor text, conversion rates and content quality will be overlooked. Content requirements should be clearly described before starting with the content; this will help in structuring the page with right information and can avoid any duplicates.

With the help of 301 redirects, you will be able to bring all duplicate keyword contents to one page. This code in other words means you have permanently moved the content to a different page. In order to have high SERP ranking, consistent and value adding, information should be shared in the pages and SEO demands high dedication and time.