A few weeks ago, Google made it possible for you to automatically export all of your Google Search Console data in bulk to Google’s BigQuery. Now, Google has said that you can do this for multiple Google Search Console properties in a single Google Cloud project.

On Twitter, Google said, “In response to feedback from the community, we are changing the way bulk data exports work today so that multiple GSC properties can be exported to the same Cloud project. To do this, you need to change your dataset name when you set up your export so that each export has a unique dataset name.”

Here’s what they said:

As a reminder, this new feature lets you set up a daily export of all the performance data for your Google Search Console properties to BigQuery. This is a daily export that includes all the daily data that Google Search Console uses to make the Search Console performance reports you see in the web interface. The data is sent to Google BigQuery, where you can run SQL queries for advanced data mining and other data analytics.

Google said that this feature is useful for large sites with a lot of brand queries or other unusual queries that go over the API’s limit of 50,000 rows per day, as well as for large sites’ performance data, which can reach gigabytes in a few months.