Responsive web design enables readers to view your website in whatever devices they are using. The benefit of this is that site loads quickly without hindrance and users don’t have to resize anything to view. You cannot standardized your website for the particular device in today’s tech-friendly world.

Mobile traffic
Most of the visitors use mobile devices so the maximum traffic is observed from it .Companies now making their website more user-friendly, available on small screen without sabotaging the image quality. While some companies still have separate versions for mobile devices and other devices but they are stepping towards the new changes.

Lower maintenance
Mobile site requires additional testing and support and that can be expensive. Responsive web design uses standardized testing methodologies to ensure optimal layout for every device. Separate version for mobile and desktop site need different strategy and probably separate design team. Low maintenance saves time and money which can be used somewhere else.

Lower bounce rates
Responsive web design ensures a quality experience to its visitors which keep them for longer time on the website. The easy access makes them to navigate more on your site freely.

Faster webpages
If a site isn’t optimized for smartphones and tablets, it will also take more time to navigate, which can frustrate customers to a point of no return. Responsive web design use modern performance techniques like caching to load content and image faster and provide better experience.

Improved SEO
Responsive web design is an important search engine optimization for quality content. Stronger backlinks and better bounce rates translate into higher search rankings, but there’s an extra SEO benefit for mobile optimized sites. It also avoid problems regarding duplicating the data.

Higher conversion rates
When you ease users experience it proves to be fruitful. Eliminating bonce rate is half battle won the primary target is to make your customer subscribe to your site. When users are deciding whether or not to subscribe to a service, they don’t want to be redirected to device-specific websites because the process often takes longer. Standardized website for all platforms secure customers trusts.

Analytics reporting is easy
Single responsive site simplify monitoring process as compared to managing separate versions of the website. Tools such as Google Analytics help responsive websites by condensing tracking and analytics into a single report so that you analyze how your content is performing on different devices.