Many people talk about how important it is to have a “Low Bounce Rate.”

But bounce rate is one of the most misunderstood metrics in digital marketing. Generally a high bounce rate hurts the SEO of your website.

If you are one of these webmasters puzzled with the high bounce rate and possibly don’t have any idea or a way to cope with that? Then you are on the right place.

To begin with, let’s understand what bounce rate is and what are the top 5 reasons your website’s bounce rate is high.

What Is a Bounce Rate ?

A bounce is when a user enters your website on a particular page and leaves from that very same page without taking any other actions.

If you look into your Google Analytics, you will see a percentage. If you’re average bounce rate, for example, is 75%, this means that 75% of the people who come to your website leave after only viewing the page they entered on, whether it was your homepage or an internal page.

Before you start annoying, don’t forget that “high” is a relative term. according to a RocketFuel study, most websites will see bounce rates among 26% to 70%.

Based on RocketFuel data they gathered, how will you decide what went wrong with your website that resulted in a high bounce rate? :

  • A bounce rate in the range of 26 to 40 percent is excellent.
  • 41 to 55 percent is roughly average. 56 to 70 percent is higher than average, but may not be cause for alarm depending on the website.
  • Anything over 70 percent is disappointing for everything outside of blogs, news, events, etc.
  • The most common range (range being a 5% increment) was between 35 and 40 percent.

There are some of reasons your website may have a high bounce rate. let’s overview top 5
reasons and how to fix them.

1. Slow Website Loading Page

If your website takes longer than a few seconds to load, the chances that your visitors can also get bored and leave, no matter how beneficial content material it has to provide.

Fixing site pace is a lifelong journey for most SEOs and webmasters, however the upside is that with every incremental fix, you should see an incremental raise in speed. Review your page speed (overall and for individual pages) using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom, and GTMetrix. They’ll offer you suggestions unique in your website, including compressing your photographs, reducing 0.33-party scripts, and leveraging browser caching.

2. Insufficient Content or No Content

Whether you know it or not but content is the king when it comes to digital marketing. If the website is made just for revenue purpose without adding any valuable content, then it is surely going to hurt your bounce rate. So, build up your website with the useful content that can engage users to spend more time on website.

3. Misleading or Improper Title Tag and/or Meta Description 

When a person clicks to your website/ article on SERP, ensure you serve the person with what he is looking for. Serving inappropriate and spam content will actually cause customers bouncing from your website. To fix this issue you have to review the content of your page and modify the name tag and meta description accordingly or rewrite the content material to deal with the search queries you actually need to attract visitors for, and fit within the character limit required by Google.

4.Faulty Google Analytics Setup 

It’s possible that you haven’t nicely implemented Google Analytics and added the tracking codes to all of the pages to your website.In this case you will see an ordinary high bounce rate due to the pages that don’t necessarily need content and the pages that are content rich don’t have Google Analytics code implemented. whether you do it manually or hire a digital marketing agency to ensure Google Analytics is implemented on each web page of website.

Also Read: Why Digital Marketing is Crucial and How It Can Grow Your Business?

5.Weak Website UI & Navigation System 

CTA-heavy functions website like ads, pop-up surveys, and email subscribe buttons may be impossible to resist to the advertising and sales group, but using too a lot of them could make a traveler run for the hills.

An unattractive design with bad navigational links hurts user behavior. If consumer finds it difficult to navigate easily then they are most likely give up in your website. As online marketers, we know our websites inside and out. Make sure you’re avoiding these commonplace design mistakes.

Hopefully, this article has helps you to diagnose the exact cause of high bounce rate on your website. And you have a good idea how to fix it. You can contact a top digital transformation agency for technicalities or work on your content yourself.