Accepting that your website has a high bounce rate can be extremely difficult. But then if it is the truth you need to accept it. A website with a high bounce rate is the one that is never likely to succeed. Therefore, it is necessary to work towards reducing the high bounce rate as much as possible.

What is a good bounce rate?

The bounce rate of your website entirely depends on how you perceive it. Most businesses think a bounce rate of 70% to be phenomenal while to others it may disappointing. However, you can always work towards improving your bounce rate in different ways.

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How to improve the bounce rate?

If your website has a high bounce rate, there are several ways through which you can correct it. Some of the potential ways to enhance the bounce rate of your website include

Optimize page load

One of the common reasons for a high bounce rate is the high page Loading speed. If your web page takes forever to load, the bounce rate increases as the user begin to leave it immediately. Most users expect the page to be loaded within less than two seconds. Improving the website load time can eventually help in reducing the high bounce rate.

Improve content readability

Since the website is all about user experience you should work towards enhancing content readability. If the content is valid, legible and readable, the users tend to stay on your page for a longer time. If the user stays on your page for a long time, the bounce rate eventually reduces. Instead of putting up long paragraphs, you should introduce shorter ones. Also, it is necessary that you include subheadings and bullets in your content. Formatting your content properly can help to enhance the overall impact.

Do not include pop-up

Pop-up ads can be extremely disappointing. It is better to avoid these pop-up ads as much as possible. However, it has been one of the most debated topics among website owners, but including pop-ups on your website can only harm the user experience. Although pop-up can immediately increase your email list, it can turn out to be dissatisfying as well if there are many of them.

Use a logical linking structure

Internal links are important to boost website relevance and page. Often experts suggest you include a number of internal links in your content. But does that attract the audience? No. This is usually because a logical linking structure is the only way to attract an audience. Too many links can make the content appear messy. Internal links in every sentence will eventually make your content appear awful. You surely wouldn’t want that to happen with your page.

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A compelling call-to-action

One of the best ways to attract an audience is to create a compelling call-to-action. Implementing the right call to action can play an important role in boosting the entire traffic. With the call to action, you wouldn’t want your audience to go without buying anything. Therefore, the right action can play an important role in boosting the entire traffic. Moreover, your visitors would eventually change to customers.