It’s no wonder that social media has taken over the world. With 1 billion monthly active users on Facebook posting about 300 million pictures every day, it is easy to see why people are striving for an online presence in this fast-paced age of technology and communication! But what if your hard work goes unnoticed? So how does one make sure that all the hard work gone into building your perfect product is not in vain and goes unnoticed? Here are the top ten methods to help you stand out in social media.

 Act as if you are already famous.


This creates a difference in the way content is posted. Famous people do not seek validation from their audience and instead look to engage in a dialogue. In sort do not act like you are desperate. For e.g. on Facebook do not tag 100 other people with every post just to garner likes from them and to increase the post’s outreach. The audience will automatically come with good content. Wait and persevere.

Also Read: 20 Places You Should Be Sharing Your Content

Build relationships.


As was mentioned, social media celebrities almost always engage with their audience. The same is the case with building brands. You do not want the people to think that there is a robot sitting on the other side. Add a human touch to your posts. Reply to comments on Facebook. Re-tweet people’s posts on Twitter. Showing the people that you care about their point of view too is the best way to build a loyal base.

Do not write essays for posts.


Your posts might contain links to essays but the original update should be explaining the point as quickly as possible. Keeping the audience interested is imperative and that will not be possible if you always post long and drawn-out updates.

Content on social media should be made as visually appealing as possible.


Use infographics, or charts and bars to put your point across on LinkedIn, share presentations using SlideShare, share YouTube content. 90% of what people learn is through what they see. Make sure you aim to provide at least 90% of your information in visually attractive ways

Post “How-to” content regularly.


People are attracted to advise like bees to a flower. However, do not go completely off topic and only post updates that are relevant to your business and your audience.

Identify Your Competitors


Identify what your competitors are unable to do and try to bring that into your practice. On social media sites, every truth is laid bare so gaining insights on where competitors are lacking is easy.

Also Read: Top 10 Social Media Mistakes Businesses Should avoid

Research your audience well.


Find out what kind of people like and view your posts, who is referencing you and whether you can find a pattern. Be on a constant lookout for insights.

Differentiated strategy for different social sites


This one is obvious. You cannot have the same demeanor on every social site. Twitter limits the number of characters while no one wants to read anything on Instagram. Do not post just for the sake of posting. Be relevant not only to the public but also to the social site at hand.

Also Read: How To Gain Real Instagram Followers

Do the unexpected. Be exciting.


Try to bring something new and different for the audience. Again, this is a part of capturing your audience’s attention. Keep juggling among various things. Do not just post informative updates only selling your product; posting quizzes, having competitions while also regularly awarding the winners keep the audience glued to everything that you post. Also, make sure to take a testimonial from the winners as to how happy they are about receiving the prize. Good marketing practice.

Finally, Figure Out Your Own Best Practices


Learn from your experience as you go along building your brand. See for yourself what works and what does not work for you. A specific set of parameters needed to be set to check if you are on the right track or not. If some method does not seem to be working, do not hesitate to dump it. Social media itself is continuously evolving thus one has to keep reinventing to stay ahead in the race of getting noticed and appreciated.

Like everything else that is associated with brand building, standing out on social media sites too is all about putting in the required time and effort. Adam Grant, a Wharton professor who also happens to have a considerable social media following says that in order to succeed it is important to help others succeed. Providing useful content to your viewers is the best way to get noticed.