With the mass rise and monetization of social media in recent years, Instagram has become a cornerstone market for “influencers” to operate on, sometimes making insanely lucrative amounts of money.

From makeup tutorials that produce income by promoting certain products to bands, artists, or independent businesses, the ways to make money on Instagram are almost endless.

However, there’s one requirement to making sure your feed is successful and popular – gaining real Instagram followers.

Without a solid base of followers, it’s very difficult to make any real headway on the platform.

While there are many ways to go about this, it will be an uphill battle without a few key elements: content, creativity, and communication.

Why Instagram followers matter?

Why Instagram followers matter?

Instagram followers are important because they help you to build up your social media presence and make your profile more visible to potential customers or clients.

By increasing the number of people who follow you on Instagram, you can increase the reach and visibility of your brand, which can ultimately lead to more business opportunities.

In addition, Instagram followers can also help to build trust and credibility for your brand. When people see that you have a large number of followers, they are more likely to trust your brand and be more likely to do business with you.

Finally, Instagram followers can also give you access to a larger audience. By having more followers, you will have access to a wider group of people who can see your content and potentially become customers or clients.

This post will show you some basic and advanced methods to gain followers on Instagram so that you can start reaping the benefits of a large following.



It’s important to make sure your content is curated appropriately and optimized for success. Try to make sure nothing is confusing, your bio links to your personal or business site, and visitors to your page will immediately see the content you want them to see.

Your photos should be high quality, and you should post regularly to maintain a consistent presence on the platform.

It’s also important to use relevant hashtags and caption your photos accordingly. This will help people find your content who are interested in what you do or sell.

Keep your content searchable by using consistent keywords that will turn up in search results, and make sure your name is unique enough to find easily and not be buried under too many other Instagram feeds.

In addition, it’s critical to post content regularly. Many “professional” Instagram and other social media sites for celebrities and businesses are outsourced to someone who can focus on producing dedicated content regularly.

Try to post on a consistent schedule so your fans and followers know when to expect new content from you, and try to keep it relevant to your overall goals.

You don’t have to be a professional photographer or videographer to produce great content, but you should put some effort into making sure what you post is high quality and visually appealing.

Try to avoid posting too many “selfies” or other photos that are just of you – focus on images and videos that will be interesting and useful to your target audience.

Finally, you should also interact with other users on the platform. Like and comment on their photos, and follow users who are relevant to your interests. This will help you build a following and keep people interested in your content.



Trying to stand out on social media can make you feel like a drop in the ocean sometimes.

But if you want to make a real impact and get noticed, you need to be creative.

Think outside the box and come up with content that’s unique and interesting. This could be anything from a new way of looking at things, to a different perspective on a current trend.

Your creativity will make you stand out from the rest, and it’s this originality that will help you attract attention and build a following.

So don’t be afraid to experiment, and don’t be discouraged if your first few attempts don’t work out. It takes time to perfect your craft, and the more you practice, the better you’ll become at coming up with new and innovative ideas.

With the vast sea of unnoticed faces and the seemingly impenetrable layer of major players with hundreds of thousands of followers, it might seem like almost no one is noticing your content.

The trick to breaking through is to find your niche, in which you can thrive and excel. There is an online community for almost anything you could imagine, so your best bet is to find an underserved niche and try to fill it.

For example, there are thousands of guitar players on Instagram, but what if you took a page from Wes Anderson’s playbook and became the guitar player who only covers David Bowie songs in a Spanish finger-picking flamenco guitar style?

Or you could be the female photographer who only takes pictures of other women in nature?

You get the idea – try to find a specific niche that you can occupy and become known for. This will make it much easier to get noticed and attract a following.

You should also try to post regularly and on a consistent basis. This will help you build a following and keep people interested in your content.

Try to establish a posting schedule and stick to it as much as possible. This could be once a day, a few times a week, or whatever you feel comfortable with.



Without engaging your followers, it will be difficult to see your page grow or be able to monetize it.

People want to feel like they are a part of something, and if you can make them feel like they are a part of your page, they will be more likely to stick around and interact with your content.

Try to encourage discussion by asking questions, hosting giveaways, or holding contests. This will help you get to know your followers and build a community around your page.

It’s also important to respond to comments and messages. This shows that you are active and engaged, and it will make people feel like they are part of a conversation, not just another number on your page.

Social media, at its core, is a new and enhanced form of communication, which can be visualized on a spectrum from writing and printed mediums, to technology that enables us to communicate around the world at light speed.

If you want to grow your followers to the point where you can make a million dollars a post like Kylie Jenner, you’re going to have to treat communicating with people engaging with your site as an almost full-time job and be extremely responsive to messages.

Finally, don’t be afraid to show your personality. People want to connect with other people, not brands, so let your unique voice shine through in your posts and interactions.

Take Advantage of Instagram Reels

Take Advantage of Instagram ReelsInstagram Reels are the new way to gain real Instagram followers. If you have not been using Instagram Reels, you are missing out on an excellent opportunity to grow your Instagram followers.

If you are not familiar with Reels, they are basically short videos (15 seconds or less) that you can create and post on your Instagram feed or in your Stories.

You can use Reels to give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your life, show off your products or services, or just have some fun.

Reels are a great way to show your personality and connect with your followers on a deeper level. If you can create Reels that are entertaining or informative, you will be more likely to gain new followers.

To get started with Reels, simply go to your Instagram feed and click on the Reels icon. From there, you can choose to record a new Reel or upload an existing video.

Once you have created your Reel, be sure to post it on your feed and share it in your Stories. You can also share Reels on other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Also known as the looping video feature, Instagram Reels will help you increase your followers count in a few simple steps. Unlike the content on the traditional Instagram timeline, viewers of Reels are served content from both users they follow and don’t follow.

Therefore, when you create interesting Reels content, it will be viewed by people beyond your followers. When these people find your content captivating, they will follow your content. This increases your visibility and helps you gain real Instagram followers.

By taking advantage of Instagram Reels, you can quickly and easily gain new followers.

Work With Instagram Influencers

Work With Instagram Influencers

You create a win-win situation when you partner with like-minded brands and influencers. By doing so, you benefit from the brand association and explore a pool of new potential followers.

Your partner also gets increased visibility and the ability to tap into your engaged followers. To find success with this method, it is essential that you carefully select partners that are a good fit for your brand.

It is also important to make sure that your content is high quality and aligns with the values of your partners. If you can create content that is truly valuable to your partners and their followers, you will be more likely to gain new followers.

When selecting influencers to partner with, look for those who have a similar target audience to yours. You should also make sure that the influencer’s values align with your own.

It is also important to consider the influencer’s reach. An influencer with a large following may not be as effective as one with a smaller, but more engaged, following.

The key is to find an influencer who can reach your target audience and deliver your message in an authentic way.

When partnering with brands and influencers, be sure to create content that is high quality and aligns with the values of your partners. If you can create content that is truly valuable to your partners and their followers, you will be more likely to gain new followers.

What makes this move ideal for you is that you don’t have to spend a fortune. In fact, most of the most effective Influencer partnerships are mutually beneficial, especially if you are working with a like-minded team.

You don’t have to supervise or give opinions to get the most out of your partnership. This is because both teams are looking to grow each other and tap into new Instagram spaces.

By doing so, you will grow your Instagram followers significantly.

Also Read: The Best and Worst Times to Post on Social Media

Take Advantage of Hashtags

Take Advantage of Hashtags

Hashtags are a tried and tested method to gain real Instagram followers and reach more people. Many people use hashtags to expand their reach and you can do the same for your account.

Remember to use relevant and popular hashtags so that you can reach the maximum number of people. You should also use a mix of general and specific hashtags to ensure that you are reaching your target audience.

In addition, be sure to use hashtags that are relevant to your niche. By using niche-specific hashtags, you can reach a more targeted audience that is interested in your content.

Finally, don’t forget to use hashtags that are specific to your brand. By using branded hashtags, you can reach people who are already familiar with your brand and are more likely to become followers.

For the best results, you should research which hashtags are trending and start using them. Every user of that hashtag will see your content including those that don’t follow you.

As a result, you will gain new and real Instagram followers.

Do it for the ‘Gram

Do it for the ‘Gram

If you have a creative and original idea for content that will excite people and encourage them to engage with you, then you’re already done with the hardest part.

Figuring out what you can do that others can’t is the key to a successful Instagram page that will bring you thousands of followers.

Your content should be something you’re passionate about, something that’s new or different, and something that’s visually appealing.

If you’re unsure of what will work well on Instagram, take a look at what other successful pages in your niche are doing.

Get inspired by their content and start creating your own unique version. Be sure to add your own spin to it so that your content is fresh and original.

When people see that you’re constantly posting new and interesting content, they’ll be more likely to follow you.

They’ll also be more likely to engage with your content and share it with their followers.

By creating great content, you can organically grow your Instagram following and reach a larger audience.

Take Away

Overall, Instagram followers are important because they can help you to build up your social media presence, make your profile more visible, build trust and credibility, and give you access to a larger audience.

There are a number of ways to increase your Instagram following, but the most effective method is to create great content and use relevant hashtags.

If you are looking to grow your business, then increasing your Instagram following should be one of your top priorities.